The Organic Process
Being organic, sets Mannin Bay Salmon apart from other mass
produced salmon, and achieveing the organic status means that we have to meet various
stringent criteria set down by different accreditation bodies. At present our salmon is
accredited by Naturland (Germany), Bio Suisse (Switzerland), and Qualite France). Have accreditation from an organic body means that the fish is farmed taking
account of its welfare, welfare of the environment and traceability of the feed that
helps the fish to grow.
Our salmon is farmed according to (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) No 889/2008 Regulation(s).
Just some of the criteria we have to meet include:
Ensure that out growing sites are located in deep seawater
Ensure that out growing sites are in or close to the ocean
Ensure that out growing sites have strong tidal currents
Ensure constancy of the environment where salinity remains the same and water is
richly oxygenated
Feed quality
Stocking density
The lifecycle of our salmon mirrors exactly what happens their counterparts in the wild.
They start life in freshwater as an egg which gets hatched out, which after about a year
is grown out to a fish about the size of your finger, which is called a smolt. At that
stage they are transferred to the seawater and from there they are fed a nutritious diet
which helps grows them to the adult fish which we see on the counter shelf.
Feed /Diet
The organic salmon feed produced in Ireland is driven primarily by conservation measures.
That means a lot of vegetable material (30%) is included in the diet, so the feed producers stay
away from wild-fishery-caught, marine proteins and oils. They do have to use some marine
proteins and oils and this comes as a bi-product from managed herring & mackerel
fisheries, where they use the trimmings. The pigment in the feed, gives the salmon their
rich colour comes from a yeast based pigment called phaffia. It is a natural source of
astaxanthin. The feed producers too are certified by the accreditation bodies and are
audited once per year.
Mannin Bay Salom are grown in very large cages, approx 1/3 the size of a modern football
stadium. We try to mimic the natural conditions of wild salmon. The fish only take up 0.5%
of volume of the cage, i.e. 95.5% of the cage's volume is the Atlantic Ocean!
Once the fish have reached maturity they are carefully selected and taken ashore where
they are transferred to bins of iced water. These bins of iced water are transferred by
truck to the packing station. At the packing station the fish are graded by size and by
quality standard and packed in polystryrene boxes which are dispatched to whatever market
place in the world where they are required.
For organic salmon that require processing, the salmon are sent to the filleting area
where they are hand-trimmed and based on customer specification, the salmon will be
broken into steaks, portions, fillets and then packed and shipped to the consumer. Our
salmon can be harvested, processed and delivered to the customer worldwide within 24 hours.

Cage sited so as have minimal visual impact.

Each fish is individually tagged for traceability.

Fertilised in freshwater eggs before hatching

Feed with organic certified label

Organic salmon ready for packing